Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Time to make the change...

Is time your enemy?  Hectic lifestyle and crazy kids? You need a change!

Just imagine rediscovering the youthful, energetic you! YES?

Take time out to reboot and make heads turn by telling us why you want to Exude in 150 works using the entry form or email your submission with a photo.

You could be the lucky person to reboot with a R5000 shopping spree accompanied by a expert image consultant. Personal branding coaching sessions with new insight goal setting together with tips and tools to reset your journey to success

This intermediate make-over is sure to make heads turn. Image consultants understand how to sort through the challenges of fashion, trends clothing brands and stores. 

Don't delay! The Exude approach will help you take control of your life and restore balance with a new look and personal goal strategy!

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