People from all corners of the world, from house wife to husband, students and professors, business people to CEOs and entrepreneurs all research, engage and invest in ways to improve their lives, their business’, their circumstances and standard of living. Interestingly enough, the search on “How to be assertive” and “How to be confident” is one of the most sought after topics in the field of personal and professional development.
The good news is anyone can learn to be confident and assertive There is one challenge though: "The only thing in life that comes to us without effort is old age" Therefore the key to unlocking your confidence lies embedded in your own ability to learn, practice, persevere and persist!
Accept yourself
Accept yourself fully. See your imperfections only as the things that make you human and never compare yourself with others. Value your uniqueness, it's the best thing that happened to you!
Stay informed
Other than looking people directly in the eye, standing up straight, you also have to be sure of your facts. Proper preparation and rehearsal are great confidence builders.
Transform negative experiences into positive outcomes
Releasing yourself from past behaviours and re-programming yourself to be more assertive is key. Believe it or not, the hardest person to convince is you! Emphasise your strengths and successes. A mental pep talk can bring about that positive outcome.
Remain in "solution mode"
Always approach people with a positive attitude and present solutions to problems. Show the respect you would like to have shown to you, and you will have the same courtesy returned in kind.
Saying "No"
The power of saying a firm and assertive ‘no’ can save you from many irrelevant and unnecessary people and situations in life.
Your self-confidence level shows in many ways: Your behaviour, your body language, how you speak, your tone of voice and what you say.
Confidence and assertiveness can bring you happiness and contentment if you develop the qualities and attributes that earn respect. In a two day training we delve deeper into beliefs, personalities, different behaviour types and cover useful tips such as breathing and bridging techniques to help you reach your goals!
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