Beat your comfort zone!
Change is an integral part of our life. Sometimes change is forced and sometimes change must be initiated!
It is not always easy for us to step out of our comfort zone. As a matter of fact, most of us prefer the security. Our comfort zone offers the sense of knowing what to expect.
Stagnating in your comfort zone can inhibit you from achieving success.
Identify it, then set-up some realistic, short-term attainable goals to keep you motivated!
A few things you could do by starting small:
Dress distinctively - Remember that old saying, "Dress for success". Getting noticed can be as easy as dressing the part. The trick is not to wear something that is too over-powering, but to wear something that catches the eye.
Step up to the plate - The next time you sit in that project launch meeting, don't keep quiet and wait for someone to hand you the job you hate doing. Volunteer or offer to do something that you know you enjoy and are good at doing. Play your strengths!
Become an expert - Increase your influence and value by becoming an expert at something you can do. Aim to become the "go to" person on a specific topic. You will know what yours is.
Keep current - An excellent informed answer could very well surprise an unsuspecting authority figure. Read reports and keep up to date with your industry related news through magazines and newsletters. Your knowledge will reflect in your conversations with others.
Network - Perhaps the hardest hurdle, but you should grab every opportunity possible! Increase your exposure through engaging social projects or volunteer to serve on some committees. Get your name out. Opportunity sometimes presents itself in the least expected way.
The impact of stagnating in your comfort zone could have a devastating effect on you, your income potential and your career at large! Decide what you need to get, give or give-up and get going!
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